Services and Ceremonies
From San Francisco Zen Center’s website, click here for:
(1) audio recordings of various morning services and the Full Moon Ceremony;
(2) daily sutras, verses, and texts in PDF format;
(3) special ekos (dedications of merit);
and click here to listen to temple sounds
- Oryoki instruction videos by Senior Dharma Teacher Linda Ruth Cutts from the San Francisco Zen Center.
- A detailed, illustrated manual for the construction and use of eating bowls from Kannon Do in Los Altos. Open PDF.
Online Resources and Opportunities
We have created a Branching Streams list-serve (using Google Groups) that will be available to Branching Streams members. You will more easily be able to share resources, request information from other sanghas, and work together on issues of mutual concern. If you would like to join this separate group email list, please sign up here. You do not need a
Google account or gmail address to join, any email will work. If you have any questions, please contact Jon Voss jon@jumpslide.com, Branching Streams webmaster, directly.
Resources for using Zoom and other online platforms during the global pandemic Please see our Zoom resources intended to help you bring your gatherings online.
Governance and Organization
Branching Streams Teacher Support and Financial Summary Report (August 8, 2024). These findings are meant to summarize some initial insights into the support structures for teachers and staff at Branching Streams sanghas, as well as a very rough sketch of some of the wide variety of financial standing. Read the full report here.
Ethical Principles and the Sixteen Buddhist Precepts:
Guidelines adopted by Kannon Do Sangha
Guidelines adopted by Mountain Rain Zen Community
Guidelines adopted by the San Francisco Zen Center.
Communication Protocol for Conflicts: A document from the San Francisco Zen Center.
San Francisco Zen Center Bookstore: Branching Streams teachers purchasing books and other items for use by their sanghas will receive a 30% discount on all items except zafus and zabutons (this discount is larger than before and includes incense). The discount for zafus and zabutons will be 40% plus shipping.
Branching Streams sangha members will receive a 10% discount on books or other items they order only if they are San Francisco Zen Center members.
Robes and Clothing: Mo Ferrell at Chapel Hill Zen Center in North Carolina sews custom robes for priest and lay people. E-mail her or call 919-732-3178.
More Clothing Resources: Zen Stitchery; Matsumotoya (Japan–source for Japanese made priest robes); Great Eastern Imports.
Incense and Charcoal: Two sources for online ordering of incense and charcoal: Asakichi; Japan Incense
Dharma Supplies: Two sources for online dharma supplies: Great Eastern Imports, Monastery Store
Bells: This Pure Land store in Portland, OR has a large collection of Japanese bells, all sizes.
Oryoki bowls: Peter Goettler, a ceramic artist and Zen student in Germany, makes sets of earthenware oryoki bowls. He is able to ship them to the U.S. and elsewhere. Here is the link to his webpage.
Sewing Classes and Retreats at SFZC:
- Instruction in sewing Buddha’s robe and sewing kits are offered at San Francisco Zen Center. For information on ongoing classes or retreats, ordering a rakusu kit, and online instructions for sewing, please see Sewing Buddha’s Robe on the SFZC website.
- Jean Selkirk’s excellent instructional booklet on sewing Buddha’s robe is available to order on this website. Jean Selkirk is the primary sewing teacher at Berkeley Zen Center.
- Rakusu Kits also available: Kyosho Valorie Beer, head of Harmonious Spirit Affiliate sangha is offering to provide Rakusu kits. They contain all pieces necessary to make a rakusu and envelope. Valorie can be reached at valorie.beer@gmail.com. Kits are available in blue, black, brown and green. Black and brown kits also include okesa envelope fabric. Kits do not include thread.
Practice Resources and Opportunities
Opportunities to stay and practice at San Francisco Zen Center: City Center San Francisco; Green Gulch Farm; Tassajara Zen Mountain Center.
Opportunities for work practice apprenticeships at City Center San Francisco
Alternative Postures for People With Pain: Description of alternative postures (with photos) for chair sitting, lying down, and kinhin, from Beata Chapman (postures developed by Darlene Cohen and Victoria Austin).
Looking For a Teacher, written by Kosho McCall, former Abbot of Austin Zen Center. This document suggests a process for an existing sangha to find a teacher. It may be helpful for board members and leaders of a sangha whose teacher has retired or is stepping down. Access the full document here.
When Blossoms Fall — A Zen Guide for Death and Dying: Read the booklet here.
Useful Links to Other Zen Organizations:
American Zen Teacher’s Association
Soto Zen Buddhist Association
Lay Zen Teacher’s Association
Shogaku Zen Institute