Some very good news from Berkeley Zen Center about Abbot Hozan Alan Senauke: “Hozan returned home to BZC Tuesday, June 18. A small group of members and residents greeted him in a quietly joyous moment which almost seemed to downplay the miracle of it… and its meaning for the Berkeley Zen Center.” To learn more, see their website.
Many sanghas are observing July 4 by closing the zendo that day. However, some Brattleboro (Vermont) Zen Center members “will celebrate Interdependence Day by walking in the Fourth of July parade together with practitioners from other local sanghas. They will be wearing white shirts and walking in silence under the banner ‘May All Beings Know Peace.’”.
Red Cedar Zen Community in Bellingham WA offers a series of wilderness walks throughout the summer. The next one, on August 17, is a mindful twilight walk around Lake Padden. If you’d like to learn more about their Wilderness Dharma Program click the link for an overview or Wilderness Dharma Program Coordinator Bob Penny at
On June 29, Konjin Gaelyn Godwin, Abbot of Houston Zen Center (Texas) gave dharma transmission to Reverends. Hondo Dave Rutschman and Shōjin Vicki Glenn with the assistance of Rev. Choro Antonaccio, the Abiding Teacher of Austin Zen Center as the Precept Instructor. Rick Mitchell (Hogetsu Kenkai, Dharma Moon, Precept Song) will receive entrustment as a Lay Dharma Teacher from Abbot Gaelyn on July 21. “This ceremony acknowledges the importance and vitality of Lay Dharma leaders.”

Chris Fortin, writes: “We’re gearing up for the Tassajara Wildland Firefighter Retreat from 12-28-2024 to 1-3 2025. If you know firefighters who might like to participate, please share the attached flyer with them.” Chris, guiding teacher of Dharma Heart Zen Sangha, is a facilitator of the retreat.
Whether you mark Interdependence Day by resting, marching, picnicking, or gathering, may you stay cool as extreme heat is affecting many of us – even in the San Francisco Bay Area.