(continued from home page)

Layla Smith Bockhorst, a longtime SFZC practitioner, and Guiding Teacher at
Open Circle Sangha in Helena, MT and Mountain Source Sangha in Corte Madera, CA,
worked closely with Steve to develop the Branching Streams website, building it to its current iteration.

Greg Bilke, the SFZC website coordinator, has continuously
offered guidance and IT help with the site’s WordPress platform.

While searching for a new editor, Layla passed the baton to Anna Doherty,
a member of Zen Heart Sangha in Woodside, CA, who pitched in for
several months during the interim, updating content and images.
And to our Branching Streams members…
Finally, a heartfelt thank you to the members of the Branching Streams community who have provided stories, photos, and feedback. Your contributions are the foundation of keeping the Branching Streams community connected.
Open to new ideas and suggestions
We’ve spoken strategically about the site. What is its purpose? Who is the audience? What are the goals for the site? Is there any way we can better serve the Branching Streams affiliates through our online digital presence?
We’d like to invite you to ponder these questions and offer feedback. Please feel free to email ideas or suggestions that arise to steve.weintraub@sfzc.org.