Branching Streams is the name for Dharma centers and sanghas affiliated with San Francisco Zen Center in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi.
Branching Streams grew out of a recognition by San Francisco Zen Center that affiliated sanghas both wanted and would benefit from a closer connection to SFZC and each other.
Click here to read the history of Branching Streams.
Meetings of affiliates are held about every two years. These meetings reinforce our close connection to the Suzuki Roshi teaching lineage and to each other, and create energy, develop camaraderie, and provide opportunities for mutual friendship and support. Branching Streams has nearly 60 member sanghas in seven countries.
Programs and Policies
San Francisco Zen Center’s goal is to continue to create a mutually supportive network of connection, cooperation and support between SFZC and other practice groups in this lineage through regular all-sangha meetings, through supporting Branching Streams staff and programs, and through this website.
A new Fellowship Program has been developed to help support sangha leadership through Visiting Teacher Fellowships and Sangha Support Fellowships. Click here to find out more about this new program.
A SFZC bookstore discount is offered to affiliate sanghas.
All affiliate sanghas are requested to abide by the Ethical Principles and Procedures for Grievance and Reconciliation policies that have been developed and is followed by San Francisco Zen Center.
The contact person at San Francisco Zen Center for Branching Streams is Tova Green.