Thanks to everyone who attended our July 17, 2021 Hybrid Zoom Zendo Workshop, where we explored some of the ways various sanghas are approaching a hybrid in-person/virtual approach in these changing days of Covid-19. We’ve made available the video of the workshop below, as well as a link to the detailed notes prepared by each of the 5 presenters, many of which have direct links to the videos they showed, or technology used.
A very special thanks to Sandra, Reirin, Laurie and Anne who invested the time to walk us through their zendo setups in such detail, and to all who attended and shared their insights and thoughts on the challenges and opportunities in this important part of our evolving sanghas.
And below, please find the notes, photos, presentation links from each of the presenters:
- Mid City Zen, New Orleans (Jon Voss)
- Centro Budista Zen Soto.PR, San Juan PR (Sai Ho Sandra Laureano)
- Milwaukee Zen Center (Reirin Gumbel) notes, but setup demonstrated in YouTube above
- Berkeley Zen Center (Laurie Senauke) see photos and notes, video demo in YouTube above
- Bodhi Oak Zen Sangha, Oakhurst, CA (Anne Russell)